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tv   Fox Morning News at 5  FOX  October 3, 2012 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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getting pretty close there. right there in front of you, the cars are trying to drive around and fog will be meeting you at your doorstep. i'm sarah simmons. >> i'm wisdom martin. welcome to fox 5 morning news. it is kind of weird and scary out there. >> a little eerie. halloween. >> kind of hard to deal with that when air driving. >> julie says the visibility is just a car length in some spots. the visibility is less than a quarter mile across much of the area. that will likely slow things down for you as you head out the door. >> that's all right. most people need to slow down. >> we have a front laying across the area. without it budging a whole lot, we are watching a lot of fog develop along it. i think the fog will be with us for the next several hours. it should burn off later this morning and once it does so, we'll be in for a decent day today. once again like late summertime with temperatures in the mid- 80s and just a little bit of
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humidity out there to make sarah miserable later today. temperatures at reagan national, 71 degrees. 64 at dulles. here is your forecast for later this afternoon. hope this one works out. 85 in washington. 81 in leonardtown. some afternoon sun. we should be dry later today once we get rid of the fog and mist. >> there you go, the last hurrah for summer for you. >> i don't let it go unless i have to. you know down in the outer banks, they don't close the pools until the end of october. >> you don't need to. >> exactly. we should broadcast live from north carolina. >> i hear you. okay. >> on the roads this morning, right here and right now, we are talking fog and it is limiting our visibility depending on where you are traveling in from, some places are worse than others. this happens to be suitland parkway inbound. right now, traffic is flowing
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freely. the one thing that is working in our favor is the fact that there is light traffic volume. you have to proceed with caution. you are likely to fly down the road and run into something you can't see. we want you to slow down, allow extra time on the roads. keep an eye out for the little ones as well as they make their way out to the bus stop this morning. this is southbound 270. a lot more fog in germantown than what we saw in d.c. there has been a change in the traffic pattern on the top stretch of the beltway. four planes are maintained on the outer loop between new hampshire avenue and university boulevard. everybody shifted to the right just a little bit. all four lanes are maintained. this is 66 coming in from fair oaks to the beltway. lanes are open, no problems to report from manassas into towards 495. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. on-timetraffic. >> thank you. other stories making headlines be a rough day for
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traveling -- for the traveling of vice president joe biden. the pilot of air force two had to delay landing two times yesterday t caused mr. biden to be late for a campaign event in north carolina and later rain and fog forced his plane to land at dulles international instead of andrews air force base. the former governor of california is talking a lot about things he never mentioned before. in his new book, arnold schwarzenegger says he had open heart surgery without telling his wife maria shriver until just before hand. he also didn't tell shriver he was running for governor until a few days before announcing it. shriver filed for divorce shortly after learning about the child schwarzenegger fathered with the housekeeper. he said he wants to reconcile with husband wife. >> i know it is painful to hear it over and over, but my priority is to work on the family and try to bring the family back together. >> schwarzenegger admits if he
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doesn't talk about the scandal now, when it comes time to promote one of the new movies, the interviews will focus on that. so a very strategic reason for talking about it now. a potomac man jailed in cuba for almost three years may have cancer. alan gross was convicted of spying after distributing internet equipment to cuba's jewish community. he was sentenced to 15 years in prison. gross has a tumor on his shoulder. cuban doctors maintain it is benign but an american doctor said they can't rule out cancer and that gross needs to be treated. his wife and lawyer are pleading with cuban authorities to release the 6 #-year-old on humanitarian grounds. ate home in pasadena raided by police and animal control. officials removed 40 animals from the home. many of the animals were without food and water. crews also removed a dead rabbit and several dead quail
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from the home. anne arundel county police have not identified the home owner and so far, no charges have been filed. d.c. police want to you take a good look at this man. he is accused of robbing a cleaners on florida avenue northwest last wednesday morning. now, investigators say the suspect pulled a gun from his waistband and stole money from the cash register. man then casually walked out of the store. no one was hurt. police are asking anyone who may know this man to give them a call. they are offer a $10,000 reward for any information that leads to an arrest. -- they are offering a $10,000 reward for any information that leads to an arrest. the first of three presidential debates is tonight where governor romney and president obama will stand on the same stage for the first time in eight years. >> romney said he would consider tax deductions for health care costs. melanie alnwick is live at the white house with the latest. >> reporter: good morning. more than other million people are expected to tune in tonight to watch the verbal sparring.
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the debate expected to focus heavily on economic issues. governor romney's message will be that the country can't afford four more years of the obama administration and president obama's message will be that the country is far better off with his policies than it would have otherwise been and he needs four more years to finish the job. ish th final prep rigs are under way in denver for the first presidential debate. the showdown between president obama and governor mitt romney will take place at the university of denver. now, unlike debates in the past, this one will be a little different. the 90 minute format will be divided into six 15-minute discussions. ors believe that will help views are to get a good sense of the candidates' views on key issue. one political analyst says this is important since both men have something to prove. >> the public wants to see if mitt romney is an acceptable alternative. they sort of know the president. he is the devil they know. mitt romney is the devil they
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don't. they haven't made up their mind about him one way or the other right now. >> reporter: polls do suggest that there are few undecide voters but political analyst dos say say strong debate performance by either candidate could change the direction or pause the momentum of the presidential race. >> thank you. by wait, can catch the debate live at 9:00 p.m. here on fox 5. we'll have a complete wrap-up on the news at 10:00 and the news end at 11:00. a very special shout out to my pastor, the guy who puts up with me. >> the obama campaign is blasting an old video making rounds. it shows then senator obama in 2007 giving a speech to an african-american clergy at hampton university. conservative critics say mr. obama's speech was full of racially charged rhetoric especially in talking about the bush administration's response
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to hurricane katrina. the web site, daily caller, claims to have uncover the video and posted the entire peach speech online tuesday. the socialed press, local tv stations and fox news did not cover the speech at the time it was given. gunfire near the u.s.- mexico line. one bored agent killed. another one wounded. up next, we'll get the latest on the search for the gunman. a massive ball of fire and smoke at a fuel warehouse. we are checking more headlines coming up next. [ knocking ] oh, no, i got to go. oh, can you make that to go? these days, nobody has time to get sick.
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but minuteclinic makes it easy to get well. our nurse practitioners can diagnose and write prescriptions for everything from strep throat to sinus infections with no appointment necessary, so you can feel better in no time. you guys want to go to the park? yeah! yeah! minuteclinic, the medical clinic in cvs/pharmacy. accepts united healthcare benefit plans. find a clinic near you at
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still no arrest in the death of a border patrol agent. he was killed early tuesday in arizona. this was a nope drug corridor near the mexican border. a fellow agent also hot is in stable condition. a former butler to pope benedict xvi admits to betraying the pontiff by copying and leaking confidential documents but insists his motives were pure. prosecutors say he stole the documents alleging power struggles and corruption inside the vatican and leaked them to the journalist. they say it included details
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about free masonry. he faces up for four years in prison if found guilty. although most vatican experts say he would likely receive a papal pardon. a huge plume of jet smoke rises above the city of winnipeg, canada. a fire at a racing fuel warehouse created this seen monday and into tuesday. there were reported by 17,000 gallons of indy car and graying racing fuel in the facility. that is a lot of smoke. the international space station on the move to avoid a possible collision. >> up next, detail of what is set to happen thursday morning. first, here is tucker. >> we've got fog across the area. visibility is reduced to about a quarter mile in many spots. you want to look out for that. julie wright will have a look at your traffic. i'll have a look at your weather coming up in just a couple of short minutes. [ may ] el centro is located in the east end of houston.
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our basic services are healthcare. we have been driven by the needs of the community. what is it that they can't access? and then how can we provide access to those services? ge came in with the tools and the skills to make it even better. ♪ [ may ] because of the ge foundation, we've been able to see 2,000 more patients. that's 2,000 opportunities to make people better.
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mission control says it will have to move the international space station to a different orbit in order to avoid debris. they will move the station beginning tomorrow morning and the move will avoid any possible collisions with the debris. nasa believes there are more than 20,000 debris fragments in the orbit. i didn't know it was that bad. >> we've got trash down here, adrienne washington up there. >> i wonder does it ever fall. >> most of it burns up before it can ever reach the surface
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of the earth. >> so we shouldn't have any problems with that. just our sprags. >> occasionally, we have to be concerned. some pieces of debris make it to planet earth. >> most of you you say burps up. >> yep. -- just our space station. >> you don't want to have to worry about hitting things on the way out for your space travel. >> i guess i'm he doing weather real quick here. dense fog advisory, counties there in gray. anne arundel county, up towards baltimore city, out to the north and west, washington county in maryland under a dense fog advisory until 8:00 this morning. and the bottom line is even if your county is not in a dense fog advisory, it is widespread this morning. julie will have more on that. visibility in many spots greatly reduced and a quarter mile or less. be ready for areas of fog here this morning. we have a frontal system that is moving through the area or hanging tough. and with that front not moving
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a whole lot, we're just going to keep the fog and here for the next several hours. 71 in washington. 74 in annapolis. let's see. off to the north and west, hagerstown is 62 degrees. it is a little cooler north and west. lots of clouds as you get up and out the door today. but later this afternoon, we'll break out into some sunshine. we are expecting warmer temperatures. we'll be in the mid-80s later today. not expecting much rain. kids headed to the bus stop, that kind of thing. here the big are look. notice the cloud cover all associated with this warm front that continues to move across the area. as that front continues to kind of push north, we're going to get a nice southerly push of air. notice down into central virginia, we are getting break in the clouds. we should see some sunshine later today. want to show you the jet stream here over the next couple of days. nice southerly flow today so we'll be on the warm side of things today and tomorrow. a big cooldown. our temperature will bottom out as we get into the weekend as we get a big change in the air
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stream here and highs by sunday and monday, back in the 60s. >> i know. i like how you mentioned that when we were looking at 85. that made me happier. >> i have agot something for everybody today. for julie, 85 and some sun. warm afternoon for you. there is your seven-day forecast. i guess we're going to traffic. >> don't you like how i control that. that's it,' out of here. you get the answer you want, you move on. the fog is out there pretty thick in some places. visibility down to about a car length in some places. this is what it looks like in d.c. coming off of 295, suitland parkway, south capital street area. watch out for the little ones making their way out to the bus stop. those walking out towards the metro as well. southbound 270 here in germantown. no issue reported at this time
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but definitely thick fog to sift through as you continue south of hyattstown leaving clarksburg and leaving germantown out to the split. on the top stretch of the beltway at university boulevard are where we've had the long- term work zone, all four lanes are maintained. they shift to the right a little bit but are no longer near the jersey wall. it is a foggy commute coming inbound out of manassas headed east towards centreville. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. -timetraffic. fur. today's international walk to cool day. it is andest to raise awareness for pedestrian safety and promote physical activity among children i'm number of police, fire and rescue workers as well as elected fill will be joining students for events at local schools today. kids across the country and in more than 40 other countries are also taking part in this event. so it's good deal for them. >> it certainly is. in a bold move by the d.c. soup sill, they take a
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assistance in hopes of grabbing the attention of lawmaker on capitol hill. d.c. leaders want full budget control and are taking steps to make it happen. matt ackland explains. >> reporter: it is not often you see the mayor of one of the most powerful cities in the country sit down in the middle of street happened cuffed and then taken to jail. budget ought ton my was one of ropes why mayor gray and several councilmember took such a bold move. there has been progress on the hill but still no autonomy bill has been passed. >> i think every member here knows the important of the district government securing local control every our budget. >> phil mendelsohn introduceed a bill tuesday with all councilmember on board that would allow voters to approve a change in the district's charter. that would block federal budget control. >> we believe that is what they will do and the congress. the united states has final say. they can vote the referendum
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change at amendment either up or down and we hope they will decide to take a pass. >> reporter: the plan could not only give d.c. leaders full control of budget but also keep federal budget issues separate from the district government. >> it would free the district from federal disagreements over whatever issued are unrelated to the district government that result in a threat of or actual shutdown of the district government while the federal government tries to work out its disagreements. >> reporter: on the hill, congresswoman eleanor holmes norton has made progress on budget autonomy. the council continues to support those efforts but believes it is time to try something new. >> that the charter referendum process allows us the opportunity to produce a clean bill on our own. >> matt ackland, fox 5 news. there is a new movie set to open at the box office this
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weekend. it is called frankenweenie. martin landau sat down with kevin mccarthy. we'll have more on that when we come back. we're e here! [ giggling ]
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these days, nobody has time to get sick. mom, i don't feel good. but minuteclinic makes it easy to get well. our nurse practitioners can diagnose and write prescriptions for everything from strep throat to sinus infections with no appointment necessary, so you can feel better in no time. minuteclinic, the medical clinic in cvs pharmacy, now offering flu shots every day, no appointment necessary. find a clinic near you at
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who move our country forward, work hard, raise families, and keep america strong. but mitt romney's budget plan will hurt the middle class, raising taxes on the average family by up to $2,000, while giving a tax break of $250,000 to multimillionaires. doesn't mitt romney understand we can't rebuild america by tearing down the middle class. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. that is the voice of actor martin landau in the new movie
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frankenweenie. >> he sat down with movie reviewer kevin mccarthy, gaffe a one-on-one a man to man tutorial on the art of acting and directing and kevin left him tuck. >> the interview was conducted at disneyland so you may hear some tourist noise in the background. >> you've worked with some of the greatest directors of all time. i thought how different would that performance have been under a different director so kind of a question but if tim burton directed you in north by northwest and hitchcock directed new franken weenie, how differently do you think the caches would play out. >> from a film acting point. view, it would be different. they would think it was different. it would be story boarded differently. but a good director doesn't direct hardly at all. a good director creates a playground for good actors and open the door. what you come up with is usual
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will you what you come up with and they know that. and all an audience wants to believe is what is going on is happening for the first time ever. and the good directors encourage that. good actors don't try to be angry. they get angry. good actors don't try to cry, only bad actors try to cry. good actors try not to cry. how a character hides his feelings tells us who he is. no one shows their feelings except bad actors. how a character hides his feelings is what a good actor does. a drunk does not play drunk. he wants another drink. he is going to convince the bartender that he is sober. and as a result, you will see him remove a glass from the bar
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and it will take a long time to get to his mouth. that is what acting is about. the sad thing is almost no one knows about it. the guy who runs general motors knows something about making cars. most-- and this is -- you know, guys would one studios and members of the press no knowing about making films and less about acting, which is a shame because the very good actors are often -- often slip through the cracks and some of the people who are considered very good are really terrible. this is a shame. it disturbs me a lot. but fortunately, of a been able it make a living at it. >> we'll have more of kevin's interviews tomorrow and friday
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including actor liam neeson and director tim burton. we know football is a rough sport. one high school system could ban the sport. we'll tell you why one school board member is making that proposal. we're checking all your top stories plus we've got weather and traffic. stay with us. president obama and i both care about poor and middle-class families. [ female announcer ] but this is what the budget plan mitt romney supports actually does. more huge tax breaks skewed to the wealthy. while cutting nearly eight hundred billion from medicaid... even though middle-class families rely on medicaid to help loved ones cover nursing-home care. and it helps parents support children with disabilities. if mitt romney really "cares," wouldn't we see it in his priorities?
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welcome back to fox 5 morning news.
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wednesday, october 3rd, 2012. live look outside at i-270 right now. it is 5:30 in the morning. there is some fog. we have a little bit of rain this morning. >> i like how he said that. >> just a tiny bit. >> wisdom has a good voice for that. >> a second career after a retire. fog. >> fog horn. >> it is even denser in some areas than that, isn't it? >> a dense fog advisory for parts of the area. anne arundel county and out to the west too. you don't need a dense fog advisory to find some dense fog. you saw it is pretty much area- wide with all the rain we had yesterday. so a couple of extra minutes for your morning commute probably a good idea. let's take a look at our radar. we are done with the rain. might be a little mist along with the fog out there this morning. but nothing measurable. you can see we are nice and quiet across the region at the moment and we should be later today. in fact, after waking up with a lot of clouds and fog, we'll see breaks in the clouds by
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late morning. kind of a partly sunny and warm afternoon. humidity, yeah, some of that will be around as well today. it will be a late summertime feel with highs expected to be in the middle 80s. it is nice and warm. 71degrees in washington. 70 at bwi marshall. early fog and then a nice warm afternoon. 85 the daytime high in washington87 in fredericksburg. it is october. 87 in quantico. slightly cooler air on the way tomorrow. details on that in just a minute. >> lets he check in with julie wright. >> someone tweeted me and said today is international walk to school day. >> yes. >> did you know that? >> we did a story about it. thank you for listening. >> sorry. i can hear my dad saying you
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kids are spoiledded. back in my day i walked to school uphill, no shoes on in the snow. we have accident activity and traffic has to squeeze by under police direction to work your way over towards the exit for 59 south. be careful here, heads up coming from the robinson terminal. it is pretty thick out there in some places. allow extra time out there on the roads. this happens to be the commute coming southbound on 270 leaving 109 headed out towards clarksburg. lanes are open but this trip will be complicated because of the fog and road spray in the area as well. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. on-timetraffic. >> thank you. tonight, the two presidential candidates will face off in the first of three debates. president obama and governor mitt romney will stand on the same stage for the first time in eight years. >> in the swing state of colorado, the candidates will focus on the economy. fox 5's melanie alnwick is live at the white house with a preview. >> reporter: good morning. this has been months and months
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and months in the making. we have abeen hearing about the presidential doe peat for so long and tonight, it will finally be here. tacoma and governor romney have been practicing their points and counterpoint with their debate partners. both camps actually spent the weekend downplaying expectations by talking up their opponent's debate skills an analysts say what happens tonight could change the momentum of the presidential race. final prep rigs are under way in denver -- preparations are under way in denver, colorado for the first showdown. it will take place at the just of denver. the format of this one will be a the different. >> what is different about the format is that we are dividing the hour and a half debate into six discussion segments. we think that those extended discussion periods will help the viewers around the world really get a sense of the candidates' views on the key issues. >> reporter: so the first of the three segments tonight which will take up about 45 minutes are going to focus on
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the economy. the fourth segment will be on health care and then they'll wrap up the evening with topics on the role of government and governing. wisdom, we understand that more than 50 million people are expected to tune in for the verbal sparring tonight. that will be quite an audience. >> thank you for that report. and the debate airs tonight at 9:00 p.m. here on fox 5. we'll is a complete wrap-up on the news at 10:00 and the news end at 11:00. 11:00. other stories making headlines this morning, a rough ride for the vice president. the pilot of air force two had to delay landing two times yesterday because of bad weather. the pilot had a miss ad approach during thunderstorms at charlotte international airport that caused mr. biden to be late if a campaign event. then later on, rain and fog forced his plane to land at dulles international instead of andrews air force base. maryland governor martin o'malley has a plan to help prevent massive power outages in the state. according to the "washington
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post," he will release a report today that proposes a new surcharge. customers would may an extra dollar or two a month so pepco and other companies have funding available to strengthen the grid. the hope is that crews could complete several years of tree trimming and line burials within the next two years. more cricking accounts on the health of alan gross. he was convicted of spying after distributing internet equipment to cuba's jewish community. he was sentenced to 15 years in prison. gross now has a tumor in his shoulder and cuban doctors maintain it is benign but an american doctor says they can to the rowle out cancer and gross needs to be treated. his wife and lawyers are pleading with cuban authorities to release the 63-year-old on humanitarian groups. we know that football is a very rough sport and now one high school system could ban the sport altogether. >> up next, we'll tell you why one school board member is making that proposal as we
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check more headlines. stay with us. time now is 5:36.  [ male annououncer ] we the people, the middle class,
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who move our country forward, work hard, raise families, and keep america strong. but mitt romney's budget plan will hurt the middle class, raising taxes on the average family by up to $2,000, while giving a tax break of $250,000 to multimillionaires. doesn't mitt romney understand we can't rebuild america by tearing down the middle class. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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sit a d.c. dog owner is in custody after stabbing the dog several times. owner is known to suffer from mental illness and attacked the dog with a four inch knife. the dog was stabbed seven times
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and three of the wound were severe. dog is named cocoa and is now recovering and is living with a foster family. the person who attacked her has been taken into custody for psychological evaluation. the washington area humane society is taking donations to pay for cocoa's care. birth rates in the u.s. have fallen for the fourth year in a row now. the government says the drop in 2011 was just 1% compared to 2 to 3% in other recent years. the most striking report is the steep declines in hispanic birth rates and the new low in the teen birth rates. one cool board member in new hampshire maybe not so popular with some people right now. locking to end football season a little early this year. the former physician wants to ban the sport because of the proven brain injuries it can
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cause. the school's athletic director says they take extra precautions to prevent such injuries. a poodle is recovering after a wild ride as she was stuck in the front grill of a car for 11 miles. the dog ran in front. car in massachusetts last week. the driver never saw it and kept going. another driver finally signaled for the car to pull over. the poodle is doing well and now officials are trying to figure out who she belongs to. >> i still don't see how that poodle could survive that. >> we need more details on that one. that you can hit a poodle and it would stay. >> i don't know. >> a lot of questions on that. >> one of the most recognizable land mashes in the world getting a new look at least for now. >> the hollywood sign with a face-lift t will be a different color at least for a while. we are checking in with weather with tucker barnes and traffic with julie wright. stay with us. we'll be right back. 
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david smallwood: maryland money needs to stay in maryland. it's just that simple, i mean, it's a no brainer. anncr: every year marylanders spend five hundred and fifty... million at casinos in west virginia, delaware... and pennsylvania. one west virginia paper calls it a "cash cow" for them. but its cost maryland over one billion dollars. money that could have created good jobs and... better schools for us. question seven keeps maryland money in maryland. david smallwood: question seven, i think it will be a... good thing for the state of maryland.
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[ knocking ] oh, no, i got to go. oh, can you make that to go? these days, nobody has time to get sick. but minuteclinic makes it easy to get well. our nurse practitioners can diagnose and write prescriptions for everything from strep throat to sinus infections with no appointment necessary, so you can feel better in no time. you guys want to go to the park? yeah! yeah! minuteclinic, the medical clinic in cvs/pharmacy. accepts united healthcare benefit plans. find a clinic near you at
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welcome back. we take a look at 270 over there in maryland and you can see the fog that is hanging around in the air. definitely pretty thick out there in some spots. even more so than what you are seeing right now. we'll check in with tucker here in a second.
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a fresh face for tinseltown's most iconic landmark. the hollywood seep being stripped down to sheet metal and primed. it can receive a new coat of paint. touch-up is expected to take eight to 10 weeks to finish. it is the sign's first face- lift in 35 years and it comes just in time for its 90th birthday next year. i had no idea it had been up that long. 90 years is a long time. >> i also had no idea it would take that long. seem like you could go up there and slap some paint on it. >> you don't realize how steep that hill is. >> a friend of mine hiked up there and took a picture. i don't know if you're supposed. no california weather. >> we'll be warm today. we'll be in the mid 1r0 later this afternoon. we are waking up with this fog. -- we'll be in the mid-80s later this afternoon. >> enough to warrant a dense
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fog advisory in spots. 80s making a comeback. >> all right. back to the 80s. >> julie will be happy for a number of reasons. not only is it her favorite number, it is her favorite decade. let's do the dense fog advisory and again, many counties not under an official dense fog advisory but there is plenty of visibility issues as the fog is very thick in spots. we do have a dense fog advisory to the east. anne arundel county, up into baltimore county, off to the north and west. winchester out into west virginia and virginia under a dense fog advisory as well. be ready for that here over the next couple of hours. it should burn off i think by late morning. then we'll start to get some breaks in the clouds. as mentioned, a nice warm afternoon. 72 in washington. 60s this morning. remember yesterday, we were in the upper 50s north and west.
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we are even warmer this morning. 63 this morning. winchester with some fog. here we go. lots of clouds to start your day, lots of fog too. we should start to see some breaks in the clouds later today. you can see we're getting some breaks off to the south. we'll go to a partly sunny afternoon and temperature in the mid-80s. this whole mess of cloudiness should push to the east as we get into the late affect and tomorrow will generally be a sunny day with temperatures about 80. this is sort of that transition day. we are not going to go perfectly sunny later this afternoon. 85, a.m. fog. sunshine works in this afternoon. kind of partly sunny this afternoon. some humidity out there too and there is your accu-weather seven-day forecast. 80 tomorrow with some breezes as that drier air really starts to work in and friday looks great, 79. here comes the cool air for the weekend. saturday, could be some late
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day showers, maybe at night, 75. 62 on sunday and 64 on monday. let's do some traffic and talk to miss 80s herself, julie wright. >> just because i was born in the '80s, is that what you were trying to say. >> born in the '80s. >> it wasn't that far off. oh, my gosh. >> sarah, what are you guys laughing about over there. only one of us qualifies for the aarp card and it is not me. >> clearly not me either. >> that's right. >> don't look at me. >> all eyes on tucker. this is where we have accident activity an again, some traffic is able to squeeze by to the right. this is on the outer loop of the beltway to go northbound on 395. so heads up coming from braddock road and the robinson terminal over to the accident scene waste big problem with fog. in some places, the visibility is down to a car length if that
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much. keep your eyes peeled for the little ones walking out to the bus stop. southbound 270, here we go from 109 headed out towards the truck scales. we had a little road spray kicking up in the way as well. there has been a change in the traffic patterns. all four lanes are maintained on the outer and inner loop of the beltway. no longer are they divided by the jersey wall. a head up to people in percival, virginia. the department of health is advising all people to boil their water for drinking and other uses until test results are available sometime tomorrow. the washington nats are headed to the playoffs as the division champs. but do they have what it takes to go all the way.
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>> dave ross will join us next for a little bit of sports breakfast. we'll be right back. [ ge healthcare engineer ] babies are the number one reason why we come to work every day. er of our incubators to a hospital in east london, homerton. we take the sickest and the most premature and the smallest babies in the whole area. [ mother #1 ] they're lovely in here. they're absolutely brilliant. i couldn't ask for any better. their first chance in life is not the greatest.
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and so i think, just being here to help them through that first chance of life is amazing. ♪ [ homerton doctor ] if a baby is in a high-tech incubator that provides them with temperature control and humidity, it makes the care of the baby that much easier. [ mother #2 ] i didn't really get to touch her or hold her when she was born. today will be the first time i'll get to hold her 'cause i'm gonna feed her later. i'm just really excited. ♪ ♪ ♪
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sports breakfast time. that means dave ross is in the house. >> the debates go on even during the commercial break. i love it. >> i like that. >> i mean the nats, we talk about them every day and rightfully so. another win last night. here is deal. we still have something to play
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for. i can't believe we've played 161 games. one more to go and still manage on the line. they're still tied with cincinnati for the best record in the national league east. another big win last night. here is the thing. kind of a rough night for baseball out there at nats park but this guy, adam laroche has had an unbelievable year. this is his career high approximate 3rd home run of the year. also drove in 100 runs. so this is a guy who -- husband contract is up at the end of year. i know he wants to be here. i don't know how you don't bring him back. mark derosa comes o they didn't play all of the regulars yesterday. they still played hard because it was meaningful. and here, when it was 3-2, you will see some effort. is he out? is he safe? the nats do get that win 4-2. cincinnati still tied with one game to play to see who will be
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the number one seed come play offtime. chris davis has done something for the birds to the north. homered in his sixth straight game. 33rd of the year. that matches the franchise record with the six-game homer streak. jamie shields of the tampa bay rays pitched a complete game, 15 strikeouts and no walks and yet they lose. the os get that one big hit right there and they are still tied. i know oriole fans don't want to hear. this but the red sox blew a 3-1 lead in the bronx so they are still tied with one game to play. if they both win, the yanks are division champs. >> the yankees again. they're always there. >> the evil empire. >> are you guys excited at all for hoops? i know -- >> yeah. >> he's lying. >> we do get excited about the wizards and we don't have a
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whole lot to be excited about right now. >> you said hoops. you ask i had adifferent question. ask me the question again. you didn't say wizards. >> yesterday was the beginning of training camp right here at george mason. go over, check them out. they got a new point guard. where did he go? on arkansas. >> he went to gonzaga. >> are you sure? >> check your facts. >> a. j. price, you don't remember him. , u. conn. >> he got caught cheating. >> u. conn got caught. he might have, no. they are trying to fill the gap for john wall. it is not exactly how you want to go into a new year. this was sunday, the bizarre collision. >> oh, my gosh. >> that was in warm-up.
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>> here is what happens when you have your head down and then you look. here it is. and boom -- ow! >> trying to chase down a ball. both of those guys were injured and had to be put on the enactive list before sunday's game. we'll find out later on as we go. >> that was before the game. what is going on? >> i know. still 2-2. we have the falcons coming in at 4-0 on sunday. big problems for american airlines when we come back. seats coming loose during a flight. and a major labor dispute. >> ahead at 6:00, what the carrier is doing to turn things around. first, let's take this time to say hello to our facebook fan of the day. we say hello to brenda higgins. >> hello, brenda. >> brenda wrote to say thank you for always keeping her up to date on the latest news and weather. she wanted to say thank you for
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having the fonz on yesterday. >> henry winkler. >> that was cool. >> he is the best. [ male annououncer ] we the people, the middle class, who move our country forward, work hard, raise families, and keep america strong. but mitt romney's budget plan will hurt the middle class,
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raising taxes on the average family by up to $2,000, while giving a tax break of $250,000 to multimillionaires. doesn't mitt romney understand we can't rebuild america by tearing down the middle class. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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